Thursday, July 14, 2011

Two more days of the holidays - the clean up continues

I buy a couple of new cardigans each year from a DJ's and wear them to death. Sort of like my uniform. I have taken to wear a brooch on my cardi since I have been living in Melbourne.  My mum was a big brooch wearer. I still have a few of hers but never wear them. My students often comment on the necklaces and corsages. I try and make them myself or buy handmade. 

To date I have only found one woollen opp shop jumper to felt but I found this 'cardi' in my own cupboard. Holes from a brooch and I think a moth. Into the felting bucket they go. Do you think the laundry mat will mind if I dry them off in the big dryer. 

StrawberryFraises Bois  White and sweet. 

English Primroses all from Diggers. The garden is humming along quiet nicely. Looking forward to Spring.

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